Muse Alley: The finest science-fiction short stories on the web. Every month Jason will take you to a new world and hopefully give you new perspective on the one you currently inhabit. |
101: Brainchild of Raymond Perez and Jason McLean it is possibly the funniest site on the net. Join John and Juan on their satirical journey through life, love, and retail. If you don’t love it…we just don’t care. |
Chew on This: Your local paper doesn’t carry Jason’s editorial work? Not to worry; with Chew on This you never have to miss a week. Warning: If you’re not into satire, love everything the government does, have less than three working brain cells, and hate anyone who might disagree with you, then you might want to find a different site. |
Letters from E. Christian: Global warming, abiogenic oil, poverty, the end of the world; this mysterious blogger isn’t taking any prisoners. This everyday kinda guy is asking questions that the Christian political establishment doesn’t want answered. This non-denominational philosopher is asking the quiet majority to give voice to what they believe and to stop living in the shadows; but more than that he asks you to question many of the paradigms the world has created to keep us enslaved. If you like what is going on in the world today, if you like keeping God in the little bubble you have Him in, then DON’T READ THIS BLOG! But if you like to read political and religious material that might run contrary to yours, or even make you question some of the beliefs you hold…then read on my friend; the water is just heating up. |
SIRU Papers: Over the last 100 hundred years the mysterious Society for the Investigation and Research of the Unexplained has covered up important discoveries… Atlantis, Bigfoot, El Chupacabra, the myths and legends we were told weren’t real. Dr. Tomas Corbin finds himself on the run from SIRU after a former mentor sends him a box full of these impossible truths. Uncover the truth as Dr. Corbin tries to get his life back by following the SIRU Papers. |
Editorial Comic Gallery: Most comic artists work for high-priced national firms, but not Jason McLean. Texas born and bred Jason provides the finest Texas-based comics for your newspaper at reasonable prices. Published by the Today Newspapers and the Suburban, Jason’s comics have been making news for more than a year and a half and he wants to finally take his comics to the entire state. Jason publishes a local Texas-based editorial and an editorial comic that focuses on national issues (from a Texas perspective). If you’re tired of paying too much for editorial comics that forget that Texas is even a state stop on by and see what Jason has to offer. |
Jar of Paint: The personal freelance site for Jason McLean. The content of this site will be expanding in the near future. |
CWV Theatre: Where we keep all of our ads and anything else found on youtube. Check here from time to time for new works of awesomeness. |
Contact Jason anytime. Follow the mailbox link to find his contact information. |